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yamaha 60hp overheating alarm going off


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Hi all new here

just got me a new to me boat with a 60hp yamaha  put it in the water and overheat alarm started beeping while at idle turn engine off it goes away run again and 5-10 mins its on again so go back home removed thermostat which was buggered so i replaced it  put muffs on  same thing after 5-10 so ive now dropped the leg removed water pump and impeller bought a new kit for it but it didnt come with the plastic water pump housing which i need the old one looks worse for wear i was  told to flush the motor through the top garden hose fitting with thermostat removed which i did but not a drop of water came out of thermo hole  has  any one had this problem or know what else i can do the fix this

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2 hours ago, dgood1 said:

there is plenty of water coming from the tell tale and bottom of leg but not a thing from thermostat should this be the case or is there a major blockage else where 

I think this is the problem, if this is the result when using your muffs. If nothing is passing the thermostat then that is your issue.

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Take the exhaust cover off and check for hot spots in the top RH or LH corner of the powerhead....it will have a slightly different look.....this will indicate where the salt has blocked one of the ports. Hopefully there is not a hot spot showing and it could be something other than either of those two 3mm diameter water port holes in the powerhead. Worth investigating before firing the parts canon.

Either way with the thermostat removed and all other water ports blocked it should come out of the thermostat housing hole.

I use a 3 way bridle attachment on my engine, primary flush - the first 3 minutes feeding the port on the motor, then the secondary flush is from the muffs for 2 minutes. The second flush thru the muffs also feeds in the Salty Captain engine flush after I can feel the thermostat working in the tell take stream temperature. I do not flush the salty captain out completely...I shut it down before it is gone completely from the feed bottle and let the motor gravity drain.

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12 minutes ago, dgood1 said:

thankyou for your reply going to get a  mechanic with a scan gauge to hook it up an see what errors come up hopefully he can sort my dillema and i can use my new boat ive exhausted all my avenues as i am not a mechanic but like to try and nut things out b4 paying out my hard earned cash


Let us know the end result. 🙂


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