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Cast-netting Off Shorncliffe Pier Now Illegal.


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Have been cast netting for bait almost every weekend since the pier reopened a couple of months ago. Went there today and there are now signs up which were certainly put up within the past week saying, "use of catch nets not permitted on pier", or something along those lines.  

A Brisbane city council worker came by and issued myself and others warnings today for using cast nets as none of us were aware of the newly added signs. She tried to tell us the signs have been there for weeks but they were 110% put up over the past week we all agreed.

Does the council have the right to do this? Has this happened at other places around Brisbane? Extremely annoyed...

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I can only assume it's because the pier is being left in a big mess with all of the dregs from the castnets lying all over the place. Tricky one as you'd think technically you'd be fine but then I guess Council have probably paid for the new pier so have a say in how it is treated/used. I know the pontoon at Fisherman's Island gets disgusting when a few people are/have been castnetting on it. Perhaps a hose connected to the seawater could be provided so that people could clean up when finished - the catch there is that there are too many people who aren't interested in cleaning up their cr@p .......

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Just don't think that's it though, there really isn't much gunk to pick up with the net. I certainly haven't seen any mess caused by cast netting there. I use a draw string net and even that doesn't pick up any gunk... The only mess i ever see there is bait packets and food/drink rubbish, and even then there's seriously not much of that either with all the bins provided. I honestly don't get it...

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