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Breakfast Bream Kingscliff


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Headed out at dawn with father in law and mate Joel. The bait fishos were struggling and despite giving the chrome a good go still no luck on the tailor. Went back to old reliable little plastics hard up against the rocks.

This resulted in 4 bream pretty quickly with full light slowing things down. 


Anyway home early for fish and avocado sandwiches for breakfast :)


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You know, im not really a fan of bream caught around moreton bay but i have eaten them out of the ocean like that and they are delicious. 

Sometimes you can feel the death stares from the old school bait fishos as your reeling them in. Dont get me wrong, i still fish bait but i cover all possibilities and plastics are my go too.  

Good old plastics. :whistle:

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16 minutes ago, Junky said:

You know, im not really a fan of bream caught around moreton bay but i have eaten them out of the ocean like that and they are delicious. 

Sometimes you can feel the death stares from the old school bait fishos as your reeling them in. Dont get me wrong, i still fish bait but i cover all possibilities and plastics are my go too.  

Good old plastics. :whistle:

Agreed. I do not usually eat bream. Unless they are surf caught and then I thoroughly enjoy them.

These bream were actually great you can see how silver and clean they are.

I do not worry about bait anglers getting death stares... These days the death stares (well virtual ones) come from the tournament anglers who consider killing bream a sin...

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You havent eaten bream till you have tasted the ones that we used to catch at tangalooma when the whaling used to be in operation, Just the smell would be enough to make you want to chuck.

Used to go there with watersiders fishing club and when we used to weigh in on the way back they would be ditched straight over the side. All other excess catch used to be donated to nudgee orphanage but they refused to take bream in whaling season.



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17 minutes ago, natang said:

Great size breams there! I used to be just a bait fisher for many years but I find myself reaching for SP's more and more these days. 


Always a time and place mate and no dis to bait fishermen. I I certainly use it from time to time.

I have found though lately when everything is quiet I can switch it up and make something our of nothing.


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I am based in Innisfail for this year and just bought myself a 470SF old Haines as too many crocs! The Harbour has loads of different species, mackerel, Jacks, small Trevs, Cod, Barracuda, Different Grunters, sucker sharks, fingermarks and when it is quite I usually have a pilly cube out and bouce SP off the bottom always entices something. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Soooo I'm back from Fiji.

It wasn't the dream fishing trip I was hoping for... but I did bag a few small interesting fish including a really cool trigger fish that had amazing colours but unfortunatly that was the same time that the locals decided to leave me on a remote sand bar and drive off with my phone/camera haha.

I lost a lot of gear... one popper to a GT... 2 tackle boxes full of lures to the locals and one rod and reel to the same place...

If you do go to Fiji keep your gear close.

Keen for a straddie fish now :)

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