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Old Scaley

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Everything posted by Old Scaley

  1. Might leave all you working class people to it over the long weekend, and get back on the water when the ramps quieten down. Looks like good boating weather so enjoy it if you do get out. Stay safe.
  2. Yes @Bretto77. Thanks for your input.
  3. I did originally but latest effort was a clear marine silicone sealant.
  4. Old Scaley

    Leaky bungs

    A couple of years ago I noticed that the tinnie was taking on a bit of water. Nothing too serious but enough to run the bilge pump from time to time. I suspected the bung assembly a d decided to try new bungs. Went to Whitworths but they didn’t have the same size and thread so I bought new housing and bungs. When I got to installing them, they wouldn’t fit because of the configuration of the strokes, somI decided to look for the right size bungs and reinstall the old housing. Found some after looking for a while and all was good for a while. Recently the same slow leak has occurred and last week I put some marine silicon around the housing. Same problem happened last time I was out so I filed the hull with water today to test my assumption that it was the bungs that were the problem, and sure enough, it was. So, my question is should I drill out the rivets, put more silicon on the plastic housing and rivet it up again; or is there a better product than silicon that I can use to seal up the area? Or should I just keep running the bilge pump from time to time? And yes, I have tried new bungs.
  5. Old Scaley

    Skeg Repair

    Maybe get a quote for the welding option. I broke the bottom 30mm off my Skegness about 10 years ago and fitted a skeg guard and haven’t had a problem since.
  6. That explains it, Ray. Speedy recovery.
  7. I thought I recognised that guy in the video as Brian (@ellicat)? But then there was no durrie hanging out of his gob so I realised that you must have trawled the internet for a guy who looks like you but can catch jewies. Well done mate on the fish, the landing net and the non-smoking. And now for the threadie!
  8. I can’t wait to get mine done. Hopefully early March when my private health insurance upgrade hits the waiting period. I know lots of people who have had very successful cataract surgery and the recovery time is days not weeks. What has happened, Ray?
  9. If I read my own name in the Courier-Mail I would be checking my birth certificate right away. I heard the guy who took the drone video interviewed on the radio early today and he said as soon as he reviewed the vision he knew immediately it was a dugong. I guess this will be the first of many false starts and we may never know if there is or has recently been a croc in the area.
  10. I think it was about a year ago, maybe longer?, that I came across a huge school of Mac tuna gorging on tiny whitebait in front of the coal handling wharf. They literally surrounded the boat and stayed in the same spot for about 15 minutes. Myself and a guy in another boat spent the whole time casting different slugs and plastics but neither of us got a touch. Very frustrating. I don’t think either of us had anything small enough to match the tiny bait they were feeding on.
  11. At one point we did have tailor busting up on the surface around us but by the time I rigged a slug they were gone. Good to have you on board @AUS-BNE-FISHO. We will get you on the fish next holidays. Fishing the Port can be feast or famine and unfortunately we went hungry yesterday (although the crabs were delicious).
  12. Great stuff @ellicat. You are ticking the bucket list one species at a time. We weren’t too far from you when you caught that fish. I thought you had Ned Flanders onboard, judging by the squealing and you-hooing. I would have paid money to watch the net preparation
  13. Possibly @Angry51 There is a lot of boat traffic and land traffic in that area. Assuming it comes onto land there should be some evidence like a slide or two. On the other hand, Deanbilla Bay is only a few Kilometres south of Myora. I remember a year or so ago taking part in a clean up day there and wandering through fairly thick mangrove areas where very few people would go and thinking I could be in FNQ, so who knows?
  14. One thing for sure is that if there is a croc in that area it won’t stay hidden for long. Not exactly a quiet remote location.
  15. I have never seen the point in polishing a tinny. You might scrub off any mojo it has worked hard to give you. A quick hose down is all it really needs.
  16. 2023 goals are probably the same as 2022 (too lazy to find the 2022 topic). Couple of things come to mind: 1. Get amongst the prawns when they school up in the southern bay 2. Get @benno573 on the water at least 5 times this year 3. More crazy adventures with @ellicat 4. Nail an SEQ longtail
  17. Looking forward to the prawn run this year. Missed out last year thanks to the weather. Hoping we don’t get another flood this year. Better get the net out and start practicing. Or better still, make a list of friends who can competently throw the net while I skilfully manoeuvre the tinnie around the other 50 hopefuls.
  18. Nice surprise and a nice video. Looks like very pretty spot that you can fish quietly with no boat traffic. Keep the reports coming @FishingCrazy.
  19. Sensational Neil. Pretty sure your second biggest Spaniard will do the trick for the southsiders.
  20. Interestingly, I heard an irukandji expert interviewed on the ABC radio after the first couple of kids were airlifted off K’gari. She was asked if climate change was the reason for stings this far south. Surprisingly she said that while that would be an understandable conclusion, it was not the answer. There were irukandji stings recorded in southern waters in the late 1800s and early 1900s, including one at Geelong in (I think) 1905. Her opinion was that they are only around K’gari for a few weeks of the year. I didn’t write down the details of what she said but that is the bones of it. in my non-scientific opinion, it is more likely to be caused, as you have mentioned, bigger, more mobile population bringing more likelihood of interaction. I first went to Wathumba at least 40 years ago and you could camp for days without seeing other people. Now with more and better boats there are lots of visitors to those western creeks and lots of people swimming, especially during summer which is also the most likely time for the jellies to visit. Anyway, back to @benno573 and his Barra- cracking catch that!
  21. Nothing wrong with a feed of fresh bream and grunter @Bretto77. Nice report.
  22. Yeah, I forgot to add the link https://www.slq.qld.gov.au/blog/crocodile-found-logan-river-1905
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