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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. GregOug

    Adoption Required

    Or @ellicat. His posts are in the tens of millions. Then again, he did start on here soon after the printing press was invented.
  2. No. Look at my post again. And I definitely didn’t go back and correct it either.
  3. GregOug

    Adoption Required

    You’ll get used to me. It just takes time. A looooong time.
  4. Why @ellicat. Whatever do you mean. Please check my post above. No mistakes there.
  5. GregOug

    Adoption Required

    At least I realise right from the beginning of a trip that we aren’t going to catch anything. So I usually just stay in the one spot, usually the boat ramp. Saves on anchoring. And petrol.
  6. GregOug

    Adoption Required

    Oh, you want legal fish? Can’t help sorry.
  7. Breaming with bro, I’ve noticed you’ve started using some full stops. That is good. Next try not leaving a space before each full stop. Small steps. We’ll get there!
  8. GregOug

    Adoption Required

    Go on. Adopt her! She’s good at pulling up anchors.
  9. GregOug

    Nrl 2020

    I just started having the same issue. Where are you on the tipping ladder? Perhaps it’s just throwing us rubbish tippers out now the finals have begun? I thought I saw ‘Why bother, you loser’ flash up briefly before it kicked me out.
  10. Agreed. And what is the use of 28kg of drag when you can only fit 230m of 8 kg mono or the equivalent braid thickness? Your line would snap before you reached that drag setting.
  11. What do you mean when I first got it? I still do! Lol
  12. GregOug

    Nrl 2020

    I’ve had issues with it from the start. It keeps selecting the losing teams.
  13. The link takes me to a spool, not a reel?
  14. Yep. I know exactly what you mean. Might keep my eye out for one then.
  15. Oh contraire! I keep up with the news, remember things (well, some things) and use them as appropriate. If you look closely, you will see that the news article I referred to is from ABC News, the national news network. A reputable (well some would say that at least) news source. Hardly a porn site. Can I help it if a few million **** fish want to strand themselves on a far away beach? I think not! in fact, I don’t even know that Pornhub, Redtube or such sites exist. I just made those names up now.
  16. I went to BCF today as is my want, and while I was there, I asked about these live fibre rods you mentioned. Never heard of them before. They only had one and it was too heavy a rating for me to use regularly but I liked the look and feel of it. It was something like 15-20kg rating, and $299. I obviously could get it cheaper off them because they price match. Was just wondering what you particularly like about them @Old Scaley? Also, what is rating of the one you have already?
  17. I just did a search on here for Luderick and you have hours of reading available to you!
  18. Certainly wouldn’t want to be strolling along that beach!
  19. They’re a specialty lure made just to catch these fish https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-12-14/penis-fish-fat-inkeeper-worm-wash-up-on-beach-california/11800276?nw=0
  20. Keep at it. You’ll gradually work out what works and what doesn’t. You could also search this site for blackfish and Luderick and see what comes up.
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