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Everything posted by Kat

  1. Minds out of gutter please. Just haven't been fishing in ages - except for a trip with Brian where I had a stomach bug and....well it wasn't nice for either of us. But enough hijacking Neil's post - still wanna know if he normally fishes soft plastics for snapper?
  2. Report Brian? Thought you were away camping?
  3. Nothing better than an empty boat ramp! Awesome to have a feed of snapper - my favourite probably because it was one of the main catches growing up in NZ. Do you normally fish soft plastics? Or bait? Good job and always good to see sunrise on the water
  4. Try throwing a few chook pellets around where you are casting a few minutes beforehand
  5. Kat

    help please

    I am getting it too. Just ignoring it ...
  6. "Thanks Kat, hopefully you get onto a few soon. I'll ask next time but my mum won't eat fish I catch from the river and my siblings don't like fish so it is normally just my dad and myself eating it anyways. " Ahhh now that makes more sense! Lol. I think they are all missing out - snapper still one of my favourite eating fish
  7. Hey Hamish - fantastic job, I have been chasing Snapper when I can and haven't caught a legal one in about a year! @Old Scaleyis right - should be 100% success rate. And @ellicatis right - you should at least ask your parents if it would help with their food budget to have some fish added to the menu. Or maybe you are as adverse to filleting as @ellicatis lol?
  8. Fun and annoying trip by the sounds of it. One target species caught - great job. Can't believe it was your 217th river session - or that you have managed to keep count! Lol
  9. Good report and great session. But no photos How did the Giant Herring go? Good fight?
  10. Kat

    Ed’s Red

    The only words I could think of were not appropriate for a family site
  11. Nice feed Neil. Your freezer must be full by now - we have spare freezer space if needed
  12. For a millionth of a second I thought you were serious lol
  13. Did you collect the bait yourself?
  14. All I can say is WOW! What a beast of a fish. Good work and you obviously have skill to land that monster. Crab as bait?
  15. Isn't it called a barge when you have the car on board?
  16. Kat

    Back In Action

    Very exciting! Can't wait to hear about your offshore adventures....
  17. What an awesome day! Congrats - definitely a good way to hook the boys onto fishing, they look like they were having heaps of fun. Bet you are glad you saw Spero . One of the best reports I have seen in ages. Wish with all my heart I was free to go fishing in the Bay today. @GregOugwas heading out today - hope he saw your report and has a paravane or two on board. Great pics.
  18. I agree Hamish - cod is really good eating! May I ask why on earth you didn't keep it for a feed?
  19. Sounds like a couple of good days out. The second one a bit better than the first . Yummy. Good luck for the weekend.
  20. I am not going to ask about the sharks . Looks like a great morning on the water. Thanks for the report
  21. I am certainly no scientist - so don't want to interject in the debate. But I would like to know how many Spaniards commercial fisherman lose to Sharks. From my knowledge they fish by line too? And, @Andrew_P - Bob was talking about freshwater trout (I think..) Cheers Kat
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