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Rob Low wrote:

i never thought of a barra b 4, i might just do that when the fish i got now are gone, i will need a little info in setting up the tank prop i guess,

they're quite easy to look after to be honest, but if ya need any adv givus a pm if ya want.

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Ash wrote:

Rob Low wrote:
i never thought of a barra b 4, i might just do that when the fish i got now are gone, i will need a little info in setting up the tank prop i guess,

they're quite easy to look after to be honest, but if ya need any adv givus a pm if ya want.

ok, will do thanks
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There's a heap of electro's in this, but dont turn out on camera, along with some crabs which we are trying to breed (all under the sand/pebbles or hiding).


couple of beauty fish, along with crayfish.

Both tanks have heaps of bristle noses to keep em relatively clean.

Not nearly as exciting as barra or cod :(

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I got a couple of Turtles. one is long neck and one is short neck. Tank is 6 foot x 2 foot x 2 foot. Also got some red claw in there that have been breading for a few years. heaps of feeder fish and a silver shark. Sometimes i bring home some live prawns for 5cm poddy mullet and the turtles go to town on them, they dont stop till all the newly added food is gone. gutsy little fellas.

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I dont have one at the moment.:(

But I thought I'd show you what I was building before I left Tassie.;)

I ended up selling the house before I could finished the project.

I wanted something like this but larger, like in the next picture. I had already placed polished alloy around where the tank would have been and had a power board fitted into the fireplace.


I wanted something like this as the finished product but the polished alloy around it.

Would have looked great I reckon and I havn't seen one before.:huh:



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That would be sweet chubbster! How much a of a pain would it be to clean though?

hey Nitro, im looking at a pretty similar set up as the one you.ve got with the tank on pine cabinet, i think the one im looking at is more squarish though.

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