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Lake Glenbawn by Dinodadog


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Arrived in Scone today and dropped the wife at the RSL and then shot out to the dam for a look without the boat as it was blowing a gale and freezing. Cost $8 to get in the gate at the dam and that is a daily price, I have to pay again tomorrow. Spoke to a few of the campers around the edges of the dam, everybody just camps whereever they like,they are spread out like cattle. Then back up the slopes away from the water there are cabins and bungalows. Any way these blokes said the pickins were thin at the moment, they had been there a few days and only got a couple of fish, this seemed to be the story byeach one I talked to. Not to be put off I picked a likely looking target to aim for and on the 3rd cast came up with a 38cm yella and not thinking I released it without a pic, but I got a pic of its home. Then about an hour later I picked up a snub nosed bass,this is a new specie for me. I'll try my luck tomorrow.

Fish while you can


yella called this home [img size=448]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/lb_001.JPG

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Good luck Dino, hope to see you pull out one of those 60cm+ Glenbawn beauties! It's a good sized dam that one isn't it, I've seen it once, never fished there but :( I've got a heap of mates that live in Scone & they reckon it's pretty chilly when they fall off the ski's, even in the middle of summer.

Eagerly await the next report!

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Ellicat yes if she has a loss where on our way home

Rocket they get injured as fingerlings,as mentioned before I got a 50cm+ at NPD ages ago with a bump on head like a schnapper,blubber lips like a trev and round rather than long, it was ugly, might of been over 60cm if it grew long ways

EMP I wish

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Dinodadog wrote:

Thanks Jayson and you sure are worthy you won a bass comp

Thanks mate, but sshhhhhhhh dont tell anyone(I came second;) ) Faulked piped me at the line. We have to go fishing NPD together again soon. I can be the Masters apprentice:woohoo: :laugh:

Thinking of shooting out there today for a quick session. Just trying to figure out if I can afford the 10 lures that I'll loose to the snags:blush:


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