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AFO Anonymous New Temporary Website ??


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Seeing that the site is going to be down all weekend would some kind person quickly set up a temporary site ( Preferably with all the existing threads from AFO installed ) so that I do not suffer severe withdrawal and depression.

I know that some may say that I can always ring lifeline but my wife already spends all day on the phone complaining that i spend all my time on AFO and don't talk to her.

She gets upset when I tell her that she doesn't look like a fish.

Yours in depression


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I know what ya saying Ray, I'm going to drive maxi and proff mad on NCF:laugh: I'm going to dig up photo's of previous captures, tell some stories, give them a bit of sh!t about owning so many boats and probably talk up the Classic and how I'm going to give them a flogging:laugh: :laugh:

No doubt I'll see a few guys from here:huh:

Good luck over the week end fellahs.


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i am yet to read the thread about this site going down :(

to ur response rayke, i feel the same, what do i do this weekend after fishing? speak to my gf? yeah right.

i'm currently a programmer for sap and my roommates are pretty skilled (1 x programmer for vision+ software used by anz/ge finance, other is arty farty graphic designer with specs in php, c, c+,c++ etc etc). we are all pretty good at webs..

given the 4 beers i've had at the pub, the 6 pack i had when i got home, plus 3-4 glasses of red i've had since i got to this bullshit gay arse dinner party (typing on my blackberry atm as im pretty bored), the attempt would be messy, to a fail at best.....especially considering its friday night.

i could put up a temp site, but no way would it contain the previous threads.... it would just be shell site... unless anybody else has ideas, just grab ur ballz and wait.

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Feral, ima one of those poor under paid programmers that actually tries to fix things. I can put in some malicous code if you want... along the lines of..... "our president is gay" on random header texts... or whatever you want... we do pretty much all of it in oz...just gimme a company name, i've got full access to all projects.....

anybody work at hanson concrete? worked in a beauty there recently on call of a friend :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

edit: ok, found it: site upgrade post

sat/sun downtime, mon/tues, flies hanging around ur shit... little more info please webmaster? i may suicide without afo for a week..... bash.org.... what irc chan u on|?

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guys I'm one of those artsy fartsy designers and after I leave the office I completely lose all design and web skills until I get back to work.

Just remember: Friends don't let friends drink and program. Put down the blackberry and get sh!t-faced. Then tomorrow pick up your fishing gear and chase some fish.

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u paying me out kreelB) ..... ima sitting here with fatty chicks from my gf's work... driving me insane... but cant leave until she does otherwise i dont get sex.

i think artsy fartsy designers are cool.. they are just a little bit artsy fartsy :dry:

ima always drinking and coding. and its wine + light beer... i cant drink anymore wine, taste like poo...


ima going marine jetty jindalee 8-10 tomorrow mornin, livies for high around 1, go home, get pissed, code some more crap for work so monday is bludge ay, back for 1 oclock sunday high after livies again, etc etc.....

reading bash.org random >0 all the way...

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I will dedicate my first ever Thread fin to you If you get smashed at this shin dig and then climb on the table and sing "BIG GIRLS, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!* to all the girls sitting at you table;) . But I want video evedence;) I'll even throw in a SX40 lure of your choiceB)

Do it dude you know you want too:woohoo:


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chubbstar wrote:

dedicate first Thread fin to you If you get smashed at this shin dig and then climb on the table and sing "BIG GIRLS, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!* to all the girls sitting at you table;) . But I want video evedence;) I'll even throw in a SX40 lure of your choiceB)

Do it dude you know you want too:woohoo:


it would make a good family guy episode...the cankles....where does the calf end, and the ankle being???

and the video evidence? i thought tranny grannies where your thing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Ray's cask was spiked with viagara, ray is currently 4ft above ground level..... that's what's causing the confusion. He's currently in orbit.

There are a couple of small moons circling him. After his wife knocks off, he shud be able to find them again.

Edit: Hint Ray, they will be in her handbag B)

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