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Childrens Hospital Christmas appeal.


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Hey AFO members,

if you have read the footing tipping thread you will see cumbrian the winner of the comp has wished that the prize money go to the childrens hospital charity fund. Again i reckon he is a bloody top bloke for doing this.

the money is a $140 so far from the tipping guys in which i thank you for having fun and contributing to a good cause.

the thing i put out to other members is if ya have a couple bucks spare from tax return/ bonus or something well heres your chance to make a diffrence rather then another sx40 etc. The money i request to be donated as group under the AFO banner. so dont think would be possible for reciepts for tax etc as would take up alota peoples time i would imagine. this is just straight giving for better cause.

Ellicat has been collecting the cash via online deposits and is a champ for doing so. rather then people logging on and asking and making there donations heard by all i would ask if this thread be locked by the mods and made a sticky untill the donation has been made. If you would like to donate can you please PM ellicat and the transfer can be organised privately.

rember $2 or $20 it all helps put a smile on a kids dial that has been through faced alot tougher things then any of us at that age.



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Shrimpo wrote:

Maybe you should tell people how to donate, I knew to give it to ellicat but others might not, So people if you want to donate send ellicat a PM and he will tell you what to do!

Good call Shrimpo.

Everyone if you could PM Ellicat he will give you the details for donation.

Seriously guys and gals,

With the numbers we have here $2 or $3 per person would really go a long way. For anyone that has ever spend a few days in hospital, you can imagine the boredom and misery these little guys experience.

Please be generous.


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