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paradise point report


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Went down to ELLICAT's spot and boy was it a bust.

Sorry ellicat but paradise point is more like paradise lost.:laugh:

Got there about 5:30am and it looked nice with a long beach area and a floating pontoon at the end of a 50mtr jetty.

Unfortunately the pontoon gets you right to where the weed is that Death Ray told me about. Used the Tweed Bait prawns that were like jelly in a prawn shell until the bait shop opened at 7:30. My mate had some live worms and he and his kids caught the same as us which was not much more than some undersized bream and whiting.

By 7:30 I went to get some live yabbies and very nice frozen prawns from the bait shop and we decided to move down under the Efraim Island bridge on their advice.

More of the same down there with that weed playing havoc with any attempt at decent fishing. My mates daughter got one 28cm Whiting but that was it.

All in all a great spot to takes the kids for a picnic and a swim but the fishing today was not the best.

Sorry that I had no good news but that's fishing sometimes I guess. Here are a couple of pics of the kids with their prizes. [img size=333]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/IMG_0335_AFO.jpg


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I get the biggest thrill out of watching the kids catch anything. So as long as they have a good time that's all that matters.

As my mate said it's all trial and error and eventually I will have some really good fish to report about.

In the mean time I will keep trying the spot's that people tell me about because you never know until you give it a go.:)

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