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Coochie 4/11/08


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The storm woke me early and couldnt get back to sleep so I had a look at weather radar and it all looked good so I decided to go for a run to the back of Coochie to see if anything doing.

I wanted an excuse to go for a run as I had just had some work done on my motor and wished to check it out.

Got to ramp at 5am and launched and sheishausen ! In haste to get going I had forgotten I had removed sounder and gps while boat in for repair.

Puttered up to rear of marina and surface action everywhere. In 2 throws of cast net I had around 20 poddy mullet.

Still cant get photobucket to copy so will have to be in installments. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/P1010366_AFO-f5f0fe617567b622bb2388c86a0adb60.jpg


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Went to one of my old spots on northern side of Coochie and tried to remember my old marks. It was a bit hard as it is years since I had to rely on marks and things have changed a lot.

Anyhow anchored up and cast out a unweighted livey as it was close to bottom of tide and bang I am on small snapper around 33 cm. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/P1010367_AFO-a549aa59531bfc9d2c909e3ee7d24063.jpg


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