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Nudgee beach 12.01.09


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hit nudgee beach jetty this morning and got there about 8.30am. fished till 11.30am with two fish caught. i immediately started throwing my plastics out trying to get something for the januray lure comp thing that is on. got hits every cast but took heaps of casts and two lures later before i hooked up, short fight and it was a pike about 30cm long. never caught one on plastics so it was pretty cool. i originally thought the bites were bream because it was a more of a swim past and take off kind of hit. after catching the pike i knew why my plastics were getting torn it half, they got pretty sharp teeth. anyway, dad was next about 1.5hours later with a bream about 20-23cm i reckon. i tried hardbodies and divers with no luck so we decided to pack it up. didn't get a pic of either fish. i realized after through it back that i could've used it for one of the species in the comp (i think, not sure if it was legal size). anyway pretty good day, Sp's are great fun and i'm glad i'm starting to work them out.


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