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notice to mariners link


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i thought this might be a handy link to have. eg. floating debris, beacons with a light out etc, etc. even if it's other people fishing and notice something that is out of the ordinary. and make a post of it. hell maybe even a few tips for busy times of the year for those that don't get out in a boat to often, a classic example was at bribie over the xmas break. pretty much a post to let people know to be even more aware of their surroundings at certain times of the year.

cheers rob

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noname wrote:

i thought this might be a handy link to have. eg. floating debris, beacons with a light out etc, etc. even if it's other people fishing and notice something that is out of the ordinary. and make a post of it. hell maybe even a few tips for busy times of the year for those that don't get out in a boat to often, a classic example was at bribie over the xmas break. pretty much a post to let people know to be even more aware of their surroundings at certain times of the year.

cheers rob

brilliant idea

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