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anyone chancing wheather in the morning


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Weather reports are a bit didgy at the moment.

At the beginning of the week the reports indicated terrible weather at straddy and a lot of people (campers mainly) went home. Anyway as it turned out, the wendesday on were clearly the best days both wityh lack of rain and wind.

With this in mind id chance it. Worst case scenario fish the river mouth if its a bit average?

Good luck.


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one thing to remember with mud is if its south to south west its best to fish run out tide, when the tide runs back in it stands up a lil against s/sw winds, if i was going i would make it an early one, get there 430-500am and get the most of the run out , but at least the high tide through the day is small and not really a fast tide ;);)

good luck , really wish i could get out there again!!!! but will have to be patient :)

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