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weather in the bay


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a solid northerly on an out going tide, you won't be able to hide anywhere going over there or back, but it would be more comfortable comming home. the doctor will normally start to blow between 11 am and 1pm and blows all arvo, my advice if caught, wait for a tide change! at least the boss will think you know what your on about.:lol:

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Eug its a question of size of boat and your comfort factor. I will not go out if 15knots forecast even though its safe. I just dont like the pounding and being chucked about in my tinney.It is just a matter of taking it easy and just plodding along. If its over 25k I usually look to hole up somewhere and wait for calmer conditions.



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I was thinking more doing overnighters offshore when you are already out there.

The bom reports that VMR give over the VHF aren't worth a damn.

One time we were out the VMR broadcast the BOM forecast of 5-10 knot winds DI point to Coolangatta which was fine and accurae apart from the storm cell bearing down on us.

Luckily we dashed for cover and just mad back through wide bay bar in the nick of time. When the storm hit Tin Can Bay blew up to 30+ knots. Hate to think what it would have been like outside.

You really need to get in touch with someone in front of a computer looking at live wind readings and the radar.

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Mate if the winds are coming from a S-S/W direction you generally get a bit of protection in the bay because the wind is coming over the land. If it is blowing a S/E it can be very rough. Once again though it depends on what part of the bay you are in.

Anything up to around 15 knots is okay as long as it is not a S/E.

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