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Breakfast creek 30/12/09


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headed down to breakfast creek yesterday night with 2 friends of mine to see if we could pull anything out of the river.

high tide was around 815pm and i was hoping to catch the run-in so we got there around 645.

there was a slight drizzle at first but that didn't really deter us especially when the guys brought a big bucket of beer and ice.

got to the pontoon and there were already some guys fishing there. was hoping to get some nice big prawns or herring to put a hook through but there was nothing. cast net the good part of an hour with only little prawns with all went back in.

luckily they had bought 2 packets of tweed bait with the beer so we got stuck onto the frozen bait. then it started pouring buckets down but we just sat there, beer in hand, line in water. boy, it was good fun.

then shay pulled in a small cattie which upon getting it up onto the pontoon, one of the fijian born indians who were also fishing there said 'you're not supposed to put them back in cos they are pests'. I said 'i don't know about that cos they're not carp'. anyway he went back swimming with a whack from a beer bottle.

then page's rod went off and he pulled in a nice bream on his pink rod! we were taking the piss out of him the entire night!

not long later, shay felt a heavy weight on his line and pulled it in. it took ages to get in and i called it a ray. when it surfaced, it was the biggest male muddie i've seen for a while. it was pissed and we didn't wanna mess around so he went straight into the bucket.

at this point, i was sick of not getting anything so decided to do more cast netting and could only get a toadie. some young chaps came up to me and asked if i wanted to do a trade with a threadie sized prawn. apparently they were after the smaller prawns to chase jacks down at the seaway. didn't have any small prawns with me to trade so they went on their way.

moved further down the rock wall at around 11 to see if our luck would change. 15 mins in and shay's rod had a big tug. after a short fight, he pulled in another nice bream. didn't have a tape with me but he probably went close to 30?

nothing much happened after so we left at around 1230. all in all, a good night out with the boys.

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awesome ..i regulary go down to brekky on a friday night to fish with sum work mates. its a good place to go to wet a line and sink a few , thas an impressive bream ..30 is good! am yet to catch the elusive threadies supposedlly inhabiting the "hole" but we always return to brekky to fish when our other sots are treatin us too good ..might see u one friday night , cheers B)

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