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Around the mouth 23rd


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Took my old man out this morning to try and get on a few snapper as the tide ran out. It was bloody cold and windy to say the least but we continued to the end of the extenion. Had to drop the pick as the current and wind running in the same direction made it hard. Dad dodged the donut straight up with about four pike on blades, meanwhile I was strugling to get a bite, I did however loose a tn60 to the rocks :angry::angry: . After an hour and half of getting bugger all we headed back in towards the dredges but couldn't get a good drift and didn't want to anchor up so headed into the ol'faithful, Boggy ck. Finally out of the wind and strong currents I managed to land a small flatty to avoid the donut.

We drifted around flicking an assortment of sp's and getting onto several rat bream around 20cm. Dad called out from the front, I'm on, so I grabbed the net and landed his pb flatty on sp at 44cm :woohoo: , he was stoked and even managed a grin for the pic.



We continued with our drift and flicking sp's and dad followed his flatty with a breambo at 26cm. I caught about 8 small bream and three small flatties, and dad caught 4 or 5 bream 6ish pike and 2 flatties.

I didn't go so well today but I am glad the old fella got onto a few for a change and got some keepers for the curry pot tonight B)

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