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Looking for someone to go on a fishing trip with


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Is anyone ready for a fishing trip?

I'm writing some article for a danish magazine that deals with fishing in Australia. I have two month left in Australia before going to New Zealand.

I've been fishing the following places:

Noosa River, Brisbane River/Pinkenba, Wellington Point, Lake Awoonga, Birbie Island, Clearence River etc.

Does anyone feel like going on a fishing trip with me? Working day or weekend, that's up to you! And I have a car so that I can get around.

Martin Kjær B)

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mka_scierra wrote:

Is anyone ready for a fishing trip?

I'm writing some article for a danish magazine that deals with fishing in Australia. I have two month left in Australia before going to New Zealand.

I've been fishing the following places:

Noosa River, Brisbane River/Pinkenba, Wellington Point, Lake Awoonga, Birbie Island, Clearence River etc.

Does anyone feel like going on a fishing trip with me? Working day or weekend, that's up to you! And I have a car so that I can get around.

Martin Kjær B)

Mate in all seriousness, come to the State Of Origin Fishing Comp. Lots of good people, lots of fishing, great location etc.

If you are still here that is?

Failing that come to the winter camp.

Once again, some great people, scenic environments, all gear boats etc provided and tonnes of fish...

Anyway just a though.


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When is the State Of Origin Fishing Comp. being held ?? And how does it work, do I have to be a member of a club or are everyone welcome?

Is very interested!

What about the winter camp?

Where can I find some more information about it?

Thanks mate for replying to my message


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mka_scierra wrote:

When is the State Of Origin Fishing Comp. being held ?? And how does it work, do I have to be a member of a club or are everyone welcome?

Is very interested!

What about the winter camp?

Where can I find some more information about it?

Thanks mate for replying to my message


hey Martin,

im thinking of going too aye the state of origin comp :D it would be my first time going to a comp ahah but yeah here are the details

you need a NSW fishing card thingo too


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