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Safe Distance


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I'm lookijng at heading out to do some reef fishing probably on Tuesday to some of the closer reefs near Mooloolaba the weatehr looks good for the next few days and I expect there may be a few boats around, what do you blokles reckon is a reasonable distance to keep away from other boats on a shoal or reef I dont want to get in anybodys way and wondered if there is any sort of etiquette for distance? :blink:

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I always stay the distance away that I would like others to stay away from me aleast 50m and never down curent in their berley trail. The distance will vary with location as if you are at some reefs it gets pretty crowded like curtian but if there are only two other boats at say hutchies I will give a wide birth as there is plenty of reef to fish

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AZZA wrote:

I always stay the distance away that I would like others to stay away from me aleast 50m and never down curent in their berley trail. The distance will vary with location as if you are at some reefs it gets pretty crowded like curtian but if there are only two other boats at say hutchies I will give a wide birth as there is plenty of reef to fish

Thanks Arron, thats the intelligent type of answers that I am looking for someone on another site was bitching that other boats were 20metres away from him and all around him so I wondered what the story was if I arrive at a spot and other boats are already there.good point about the burley Cheers


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In my view in quiter areas around 100m is reasonable. If its a busy area with lots of boats 50m is ok.

There will always be some aggro w@nkers who think they own the ocean and if you get within 100m of them they will start yeling abuse thinking you are trying to steal their "secret" fishing spot.

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dhess wrote:

In my view in quiter areas around 100m is reasonable. If its a busy area with lots of boats 50m is ok.

There will always be some aggro w@nkers who think they own the ocean and if you get within 100m of them they will start yeling abuse thinking you are trying to steal their "secret" fishing spot.

Hahahaha Dom that would never happen surely :P

This happened to DOm and I drifting over 100m behind someones boat. So far off it was not funny.

I think they were just annoyed that we with float lines were getting some decent fish and they were not getting a touch on the bottom.


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I pretty much judge it on how far i'd want them to be from me.

Just watch out for professional fishermen, they can be a different breed. I was anchored on a spot when a pro came over and cut my anchor rope and told me if he saw me fishing his spot again he'd shoot me. This same bloke hospitalized a fella for lifting his crab pot by bashing him with an oar.

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goat_man_baa wrote:

Just watch out for professional fishermen, they can be a different breed. I was anchored on a spot when a pro came over and cut my anchor rope and told me if he saw me fishing his spot again he'd shoot me.

If he cut my anchor rope i would have cut his head off he is a dips**t and there are a lot around you should have shot him with a flare gun :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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marlin magic wrote:

goat_man_baa wrote:

Just watch out for professional fishermen, they can be a different breed. I was anchored on a spot when a pro came over and cut my anchor rope and told me if he saw me fishing his spot again he'd shoot me.

If he cut my anchor rope i would have cut his head off he is a dips**t and there are a lot around you should have shot him with a flare gun :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Totaly agree, You toucha ma boat I breka your face :blink:

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I like to keep about 2 casts distance away from other boats, but on the kayak I love to get in their berley trail and bounce smaller plastics through it. The look on their faces is priceless as they sit there soaking bait on the bottom and I'm 50m out in the trail hooking up one after another :laugh: saves me having to load the yak with berley

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