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Nordic Stage vs Forster Bream


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Have you ever found something that has excited you so much its scary? Well yesterday I found something to get excited about!

Angus was kind enough to stop into my hometown of Forster and stay the night an I had promised him a n early morning trip out on Wallis Lake chasing Bream...The morning didn't go as planed I caught a head cold and ended up resorting to some really disgusting home remedies to try and cure myself, it kind of worked but I still think Gus thought I was the biggest stoner in Forster by the way I looked in the morning! Another hiccup that would slow us down some more was Beau being about an hour late with the boat, not really a great start to say the least. But while Beau was still snoring away Angus was kind enough to show me some Nordic Stage goodies that would honestly amaze me.

Now I have been fortunate to have owned and fished with alot of rods that instantly spring into anglers heads as being top of the line rods, Millerods, G.Loomis, Daiwa's the list goes on, But none of them have impressed me so much in such a short amount of time as the Areal's.

They are extremley light, were talking 70grams here, that means that you can cast all day with ease and comfort. Another big thing with these rods is the sensitivity not to many rods stand out in my mind as being as sensitive as the Areal's. And to top it all off they look stunning!

I haven't had a chance to properly test the rods out on a few big bruising bream as the only fish caught was Beaus small 27FL Bream (Oh and Angus's last cast disaster) in our short 1.5 hour time frame. But stay tuned because these rods are going to get a real work out amongst razor sharp oyster leases, that can bring grown men to their knee's if the outfits they use are not up to scratch.

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