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Brisbane to Cape York

Paul Smith

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Hey guys I am heading to Cape York from June the 17th until July the 17th,

I am wondering what sort of fish am I likely to encounter. The reason I ask is I here people saying I wont catch barramundi because it will be to cold. So just wanting to know from people in the know what is on the bite at this time of year.

Any help would be great.


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Where are you going, mate. I am leaving next week to head up that way and will be fishing around Princess Charlotte Bay on the way up and then heading over to the western cape to fish around the Jackson River. The only thing I hope is not biting is the crocs :unsure::unsure: Anyway, I will be back before you leave so I hope I can post some good reports with average photos.

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I'm more talking from a Cairns perspective, but have fished a little bit on the cape (Weipa etc), and I think the cape would be the same (being just up the coast). I still get barra in winter on warm days, on the right tide.

I reckon winter is the best reef fishing time of the year, for coral trout, nannygai, red emperor, and tricky snapper. Also winter is definately big spaniard time, as well as doggie mackeral.

Inshore, queenfish are a winter fish, and I reckon bigger grunter are more prevalent (although some may disagree). Also winter is whiting, pikey bream, and flathead time (the reverse of SE QLD!).

Let us know if your passing through Cairns long enough for a fish, and can take you down to barra corner if your keen.

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Old Scaly, I will be interested in seeing your pics when you get back, as for were we are going. My family and I are doing the 4wd camping adventure all the way to the tip. We will be camping at Punsand Bay for 4 days and doing day trips from there.

tiotony, We will be heading pretty much straight through Cains up to Cooktown. I will have to check but I think we are doing a one night stop over just before Cains.

We will be going up the inland track and having a look at Elim Beach, Old Laura Lakefield NP

Lockhart Riverand Bramwell juntion, and then on to the old telegraph track.

Also going to Eliot/Twin falls an fruit bat falls.

I am getting very exited about this trip as it is going to be a big one.

the plan will be to drive to a new spot set up camp then find somewhere to wet a line, and hopefully catch something :woohoo:

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i have lived and fished from rockey around to wiepa from the age of 7- 19 and believe me you cab still catch barra in winter. they do quite down though. you need to get your self some suspending lures and when working them, you need to slow roll them and really twitch your rod and pause up to 10secs. so basically you are trying not to make to much work for the barra.

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