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Hendra Virus near Beaudesert.


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Hendra virus near Beaudesert

A positive case of Hendra virus has been confirmed at Kerry, near Beaudesert. Biosecurity Queensland is managing the case after test results on a deceased horse came back positive for the virus.

On Saturday a private vet attended a sick horse on a property which was moved to a nearby second property where it died on Sunday. Biosecurity Queensland began implementing control procedures after blood samples taken from the horse came back positive last night.

Other horses on the properties are currently being quarantined and Biosecurity Queensland staff are on site today to provide residents in the area with the latest information about Hendra virus.

At this stage it is not clear whether any human is at risk. Doctors from Queensland Health's Gold Coast Public Health Unit will offer any testing or treatment to people as required.

This is the 15th known incident of Hendra virus since it was first detected in 1994.



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Its an interesting story Ray...put a smile on my face as i'm currently funded by the QLD government to work on a vaccine for Hendra virus - so if anything, stories in the media like this usually means more funding for my research.

Unfortunately, this will bring with it all the yahoo's calling for a bat cull and raving about government conspiracies. Truth be known, bats carry alot of other diseases that are way more harmful to humans than the hendra virus :-)

I'm actually surprised there havent been more cases out in beaudesert given the number or horse properties, and the large bat population out there.

Hopefully the VET took the right precautions...anytime a Vet inspects a horse with particular symptoms now, they should be thinking the worst and hoping for the best. If he followed protocol, he'll be right.

Its a bloody tricky virus though...coming from someone trying to figure this thing out!! ;-)

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Yes, there has been some success in vaccines already....only downside is, its for people once they've contracted it (so its not preventative), and its f-ing expensive to make (Tens of thousands $$ for one dose).

I'm working more along the inexpensive horse vaccine. Stop it in its tracks altogether. We need both though.

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