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Jumpinpin 11th July 2011


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G'day guys, after being a member of AFO for a while I have finally decided to get organised and start posting some fishing reports. So here is attempt number one.

Monday morning I packed up my 4.25m Stessco Catcher Tinnie and headed to the ramp at Jacobs Well. After buying some apparently fresh prawns and some frozen Pillies from Jacobs Well Bait and Tackle I headed out from the ramp at about 12.30pm for the Northern tip of Stradbroke Island to pump some yabbies. Was a bit worried about the wind driving to the ramp as it appeared pretty lively in the trees, however once I hit the water it was beautiful, moderate 8-9 knot winds, sunny and the water was bright blue and clear.

I quickly pumped up some yabbies and headed over to pig sties to drift down with the incoming tide passed the Kalinga Bank. With the Bream spawning this time of year I thought I would get on to a few, however this wasn't the case. After a couple of drifts down I couldn't even wrangle up a bite! I think the current was maybe running a little to fast. So I anchored up for a little while and tried pillies, prawns and yabbies to no avail. Again not sure with the current running so fast my sinker was hitting the bottom, even adding some more lead didnt help.

This unfortunately was the theme of the afternoon, drifting along the western sand bank of South Straddie and anchored at the Northern tip of Crusoe Island I couldn't even get a fish on board. Tried everything including changing to a running sinker, floating full and half pillies and metal lures...nothing.

Headed for the boat ramp at about 1600 to pick up a mate and fish the evening session. Was back out at Pig Sties and the Kalinga Bank at about 1630 thinking that the fish would be ready to bite either side of the 1706hrs sunset, but again nothing.

Getting very frustrated we again anchored of the Northern Tip of Crusoe Island after sunset and floated out some strips of Bonito my mate had picked up on the way. Finally some success...in a half hour flurry of action we managed to land 7 small Tailor, nothing big but fun none the less.

After about half an hour it again went completely dead, so we head back up the river trying to locate the hole at the end of Whalley's Gutter, I ran around with sounder and found what looked like a bit of hole just north east of the green lateral marker exiting Whalleys into the main channel. We fished her for about and hour. My mate had a couple of good hit and runs on his bonito strip but it seemed the fish were just picking it up, running with it a short distance and then dropping it. Again no results.

After just recently moving here my confidence in fishing the area is starting to drop! I've done a bit of research and have a copy of Nugget's Pin Map however in the 4-5 times I've been out I haven't had to much success. If anyone has any tips it would be much appreciated. Hopefully more successful reports to come!

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Welcome Ant.NIce report, at least you finally got a few! I have been out five times in the last 10 days for a big fat donut! :blush:

I have not fished the pin area too much but had a great day in my kayak a while back. You need to have a half tide or more to get there in the boat. Launch at Cabbage tree point ramp. Directly across and a little to the right (one o'clock if looking out from ramp) you can see a small island about maybe 80 metres long. Head to the other side of it and fish the high. There is about 5 metres of water running through right up along the island, and an undercut in the bank. In one session I pulled out a nice trev, nice estuary cod, two just under legal jewies, and got smoked by what I am sure was a big jewies (only fishing 6lb on the day). The method I used was casting a 5 inch gulp jerk shad in close and up current from anchor point. I found an area with a few dead mangroves and a little clearing is where I got the fish from. All were taken on tandoori chicken colour.

Another thing is to find small channels running of the weed beds which are rife through the whole area. Flick SP's into them on the run out with the lightes weight possible and you will definately get a few flathead.

I hope that helps, good luck for next trip!


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