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Brisbane Fly Fishers meeting- Thursday 21th July


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Just a quick reminder that this month's meeting is on Thursday 21st July. Proceedings will kick off at 18:30 or 6:30pm

Venue as always is the Wilston-Grange AFC

End of Babarra St, Stafford QLD 4030

The plan for this month's meeting is to have a casting session. Greg Jackson has kindly agreed to return to continue with his very informative casting sessions.

Meals are again available, this month's menu is: Sausages and mash with onion gravy

Prices are:

$10 for club members

$15 for non members

If interested please RSVP your order by 12:00 Wednesday 20th.

If you want to be included on our mailing list or have any questions/meal orders please email




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We had 22 turn up last night, with half enjoying a great sausage (more like a haggis, they were huge!!!) and mash meal. After a good feed and few brewsies it was off to the top field for a another lesson on casting from the guru Greg Jackson.


Top night with a few new guys turning up as well.

Next month we have Peter Morse giving a presentation on "A few good flies and how to fish them".

If you don't know Peter, Google him, he's one of THE best fisherman around. 268 species caught on fly so far!!!!!!



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