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unstoppables at the rock


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Shane ur out every week! man wish I could fish as much as you do! living the dream!!!

I didnt buy a boat to keep it at home man. We try using it as much as we can. Thats whole point of owning one.

Haha yeah right the dream. I work 5 days n do part time uni. It sucks but hey its gotta be done.

Lifes cramped but gotta make time for fishing or else itl be all work no play.

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Thanks for the info,

Shane, won't be out on saturday, I'm booked to go out with Smithy on Sunday(weather depending...) Hope to get a good wahoo/mack for the FOTM.

Might need to tag someone and head out to boat rock. Not too keen on heading out south passage by myself first time...

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had an instance a couple of weeks back where something grabbed a 58cm spangled i had hooked on a float line. ended up about an hour later getting it near the surface before it dropped the spangled (which was still alive), it was without a doubt a dirty great big cod, estimated 1.2-1.5m long.

I have been owned on 80lb gear a few times, culprits expected to be kingies (black, yellow), GT's or AJ's. Having dived around flat rock and smith rock off the cape there are some XOS kingies that just chill out around there, talking 20kg + kind of things. Reckon they would be just about unstoppable near structure, only chance would be if they took the bait a long way up and you hit them with everything you had straight up.

With what elops said - black spot tuskies. We used to get something similar up off gladstone, grew to about 15kg. damn near unstoppable on the old school 100lb handline, even just holding the reel and not giving them an inch they'd still find a way to win 90% of the time. we often did tie the line around the boat after being reefed to try and get them to come out, rarely worked though!

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