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Fishing Maroon...


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Henry and I were lucky enough to get the call up from Stu and PlasticMan last friday for a cheeky dawn session at lake Maroon. I have struggled previously on lures here and was looking very forward to fishing it with the 3rd and 4th top ranked ranked (nationally) Bass Electric Anglers. After mentioning to Andrew (plasticman) I had never caught a bass on a spinner bait either he promised that would be a cherry popped for sure.

After a brief discussion it was decided I would fish with Andrew and Henry would fish with Stu and we would muck around with a bit of a "friendly" longest 4 fish per boat.

Crack of dawn saw some great bass landed on the surface with Pontoon 21 Loco Perrito's doing the damage for me and a new bent minnow lure from Searing Tackle doing the damage for Henry. Andrew also landed a nice bass on (??? lure) and was busted off hard by another.

As the morning lightened off it was off to the banks to crack that Spinner Bait cherry. I am happy to say that I caught 5 on spinner well and truly christening this technique for me and ill be using it for sure in the fresh again. Henry managed another legal on a Damiki Napjaru and I will have to let the other boys comment on their lures as their tallies were somewhat higher!

All in all an awesome day.

Ill chuck up a few photo's and Henry has a bunch more.

Andrew took the scores as well so ill let him proclaim a winning boat :)




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Dunney and Rob,

The Loco (surface) fish were caught when it was darker than that dawn photo and the photo's turned out black (sorry Rob). Dropped a good one on the Perito as well.

Fish were actually caught in the weed right newar the ramp on the surface.

Dawn shot was taken motoring out from the ramp on the way to the banks.


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Nice report angus ,Don't forget your one on surface ended up being big bass for the day . My two landed and one lost surface bass were on zipping ziggies. Once we hit the weed we were using 1/2 bassman spinnerbaits . I'm pretty sure you and I may of just had a bigger bag thanks to your big fella . Well done cranking your first on a spinnerbait mate . All up you and I landed around 14 bass from small to 36 cmfl. Thanks for the fun day . Ps hows your head ? Hahaha

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My surface caught bass was on a cultiva zippin ziggy as well it was 35cm I also got a few on bassman spinnerbaits that were legal to fill Our bag not sure on how many boated we got a fair few undersize, and Henry was the spangle perch king haha was a fun morning hope we were able to give you guys a few pointers on lures and where to fish and reading the sounder. Cheers stu

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I finally got round to looking at the photo's I took and loading them onto my pc.

It was an awesome day. Thanks very much Andrew and Stu for getting us on the water and showing us that bass on lures in Maroon is possible. Spewing I couldn't break my duck with a bass on spinner. I'll get there eventually. Anytime you guys have the opportunity and wouldn't mind us jumping on again, I'd be keen as to have another crack.

Here's some pics.









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