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Queens Beach North (landbased) 9/09/07


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Tonight we went down to Queens beach north to try for some nice summer whiting (we usually get alot from now on in to summer) We arrived at 5.30pm and set up and within 5 minutes i hooked up to a good sized fish. Got it to shore and what do u no it spits the hook and the biggest wave on the day comes in, DAMMIT lost whiting between 30-35cm. I rerigged and got the 3 lines into the water now battling a strong tide and wind with plenty of tangles. I was now getting p!ssed off and was about to give it all up but what do u no i bring in a nice 27cm whiting, Not the biggest fish but tasted nice :laugh: I now gained some hope and stayed for another 20 minutes but got nuthing. I left at 6.30 and was home by 7.

PS. Is anyone else noticing the emotions arent working and words are getting underscores instead of spaces? [img size=499]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/RIMG0242_AFO.jpg


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