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Massive 9KG Giant Snakehead- Wild fishing thailand- Awesome


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Unforgetful trip for my chinese anglers from Macau.

They came to fish with me in the hope of having a good times fishing snakehead, they gone back home with a trophy catch.

A massive 9KG single toman in a distant reservior.

To catch a trophy fish is every angler dream.

I've fished so many years of snakehead fishing in Thailand, I only seen a few toman of this massive size and 1-2 snakehead above 10KG.

Big fishes are usually smarter. They don't live to this massive size for been stupid and easy to catch.

If the day is your lucky day, ones may break their own PB record anytime .

Enjoy my exciting youtube clip.


Photos highlights.....

A massive 9KG monster catch- Weighted by IGFA certified bog grip.






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