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BFFC end of year meeting and social get together


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Hi All

The last meeting of the year will be on the 20th November at the Wilston-Grange AFC. Topic of the night will be Longtail Tuna tactics, presented by Geoff Volter, a very experienced tuna fisherman.

Also note in your dairies our end-of-year social get together and major raffle.

Where: Newmarket Hotel

When: 7pm, 29th November

Free nibbles for members (even if you sign up on the night)

We will be raffling a TFO TiCRx 9foot 9wt rod and matching TFR Prism 9/11 reel. Perfect for starting out on chasing tuna an the bigger flats species. Tickets are $10 each and will be on sale at the club meeting and at the Newmarket.

Hope to see a few AFO's there.


Norm Good

(President, BFFC)

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