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Currents and Bottom Bashing Goldy/Brisy


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Hi there peeps, just wondering what the general rule of thumb is around times of year for deep water (34's - 50's) bottom bashing out side. Ie what parts of the year are the currents the strongest and when is best for fishing them.

I ventured out to the 50's a few times and just couldn't get the bottom.

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Mate never fishing the 50s i cant give you much info.

All i know it is long way out and cam be really hit and miss. Most mates i know who fish it use big jigs.

Some goldcoast charters do really well out there.

The current normally slows down in winter as water cools down. This is when reef fishing is at its best.

I prefer to fish up the cape or out south passage myself. If current too strong out wide i can always come back in close and fish.

If we do a day trip we normally start inclose in the 20-40m mark and day progresses you head wider.

Get yourself a good drift anchor. It really helps when the wind is up.

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