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Noosa(ish) 31.1.16


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Haven't been out for a little while so my wife and I double dated and car pooled bright and early to the Sunshine Coast. Nothing of note at dawn at Mooloolaba, and the Cod hole in the Maroochy was fun with many small bream and whiting but nothing of substance. Ended up at Weyba Creek where all hell broke loose (literally). Snapped the tip on my smaller rod but fortunately I had my 9' with a 5" Alvey as backup. Well all four of us had a corker of a time. I was busted off twice by jacks and my poor mate five times (that convinced him to stop using 4lb line). Fought dirty and came within eyeshot each time before belting us up. His wife was the bream queen catching several in the 23-24cm range and a very impressive black trevally. My wife and I caught that many Moses Perch it was unbelievable - most under sized but even the just legal ones we let go as they weren't worth the effort to fillet.

Highlight of the day was a 35cm bream that didn't muck around and smacked the squid like the Shinkansen. Thought it was another jack at first but didn't fight quite as dirty. after a brief but entertaining fight keeping it away from the pylons I winched it up the bridge with the Alvey.



The rain moved in after that to the point where we called it quits and headed to Noosaville for a while. Stopped off at Munna Point on the way when my wife unexpectedly had her rod almost break in half with something I thought was a ray at the time. Chris was closer and took over for her and surprisingly landed a reasonable diamond trevally... caught on beach worm of all things.



Rain again so lunch, then a spot of Surf fishing at Sunshine Beach where we lost a couple of fish. Still wasn't a bad day out, those Moses Perch especially were very entertaining.

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24 minutes ago, samsteele115 said:

Nice little diamond trev :). What a cool looking fish they are. Cheers for the report and shame about the jacks. Ive always wanted to cast around that bridge in my boat but have never got around to it....

I wanted to last time but on Boxing Day there were literally 50 people on it. A fishing charter and a couple of blokes in a bass boat came around but strangely cast into open water - the fish were adjacent to the structure. Even handlines would have done yesterday - no cast required!

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