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Weather Forecast

Terry H

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Yea that's it. I always figure it's probably going to land somewhere in between. 

Although I swear Willyweather's forecast graph has looked almost the same for a few days now. That is, windy the next 2 days and calm after that. It's almost like they're trying to tease you into thinking it may be calm in 3 days time... Where as Seabreeze is letting you know it's buggered for the week. :lol:

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To be honest considering no one has ever claimed weather prediction a perfect science I would suggest those graphs feature plenty of similarities. Monday is definitely the anomaly. It is as if the time frame has lagged a day? Maybe that is a reasonable presumption?

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I use Willyweather almost daily, but it's predictions are never better then 2-3 days. I never assume when I check the coming weekend on Monday, that it'll be the same by Friday. And as Sam stated, I often find the 10-15kt forecast to be a little stronger out there.

I find that BOMs Marine Wind forecast to be a very good guide, and often the most accurate. And is never available more then 2.5 days ahead.

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