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A Couple Of Recent Bay Trips


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I took a day off on Thursday last week because the weather has just been too good! I went out in a mates boat (@Samrenny) and the plan was to get his first longtail and maybe one for me as well ;). Well he got his first longtail as well as his first spotty which was a bonus.DSC_0385.JPG

DSC_0390.JPGDSC_0395.JPGIt was such a good day out there and even better that there were plenty of tuna around to have fun with. Unfortunately we only boated the 1 tuna out of the 5 we hooked, but a successful day nonetheless. I lost a potential big pb upgrade which gave me absolutely hell before I had a knot failure :( . I saw the flash of the fish on hookup and looked to be in the category of @luvit sons beast longy.

I just had to get out there again on Saturday. So I did. This time I took out my boat and zipped around the bay in search of tail. Didn't take too long for my decky Phil and I to find them as the longtail are so thick in the bay at the moment. We were able to be fussy and move on to other schools elsewhere if there were too many other boats chasing them. 

First shot at them we got a double hookup on solid longtail on big surface Maria loaded stickbaits (lost all of james's surface ones now, can I get some more @bersim?) :P It was so awesome to see Phil tussle with these fish for the first time and he was surprised with their power. Being a bit more experienced and confident with these fish I had mine to the boat in 5 minutes so Phil offered to give me a hand to net my fish while I held his rod. My worst nightmare came true and whilst I was holding his rod the fish pulled hooks. I couldn't believe it and felt so bad!! Oh well at least I got mine in :P. The stickbait was well and truly swallowed so I kept the fish and gave to Phil to take home. IMG_20160402_195321.jpg

DSC_0403.JPGThe patch of fish disappeared so we searched again. Found some very fussy fish a few K's north and tried to boat another one. They would not eat anything we threw apart from tiny microjigs with small hooks and the hooks didn't stick on the 3 longtail that I did manage to get a hit from. There were also school, spotted and Spanish Mackerel in the area as well as Bonito. It made for a very exciting couple of hours, albeit very frustrating! I got a hookup on a micro jig on a big bad bay Spanish Mackerel after a pack of them followed my stickbait to the boat. After a short blistering run the teeth found leader and it was all over. It was great to hook my first Moreton Bay Spanish nonetheless :)

All in all not a bad couple of days fishing but there was room for improvement like always. It was just so nice to be out there.DSC_0398.JPG

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You're getting your tuna fix Sam.

I feel bad for Phil because obviously didn't know your reputation on dropping fish or he would not have passed over his rod.:P

Congrats to Renny on a couple of new species and that last photo is beaut.

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