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Quick River Sesh


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Hi all, havnt put up any reports for a long time and not that i havnt been fishing just got lazy i guess. anyhow heres a quick one from last night. headed out to the lower reach of the brissy river last night with the hopes of nailing a salmon. headed up to the poo shoot with a bit of wind and chop making for a wet ride. when we got there it only took about three casts to gather our bait. (live herring the bigger the better for salmon in my opinion) with an hour or so before the tide change going on just after dark things were looking good. we headed to our tried and proven grounds which i havnt fished for a while but when i used too would never produce salmon under a metre. aboiut ten mins in my mates rod goes off only to find a dirty great ray had taken his livey. about another twenty minutes passes and this time my rod goes off this thing went for a great run up the river and head on into the current. by this stage i had called it for a good salmon. after a second run the thing starts coming towards me and as i raised it, it had some serious weight to it, much to my disgust it was another massive sting ray! by this stage the call was made to go chase some pan size squire in the hopes we wouldnt go home empty handed. not even five mintues in and my rod with half of a dead herring goes off and up comes a 71cm jew ( glad we mad the move). after we released it my mates rod goes this time and the signature snapper head shakes are displayed with vigour. ill let the pic do the talking but long story short it was my mates pb snapper going 75cm and probly the best ive seen for inside the river. after this the action died and the rain set in so we headed home. so all in all wasnt to bad of a trip. next time i will just chase snapper straight up i think


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