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Great Kedron Brook Sessions - 6 & 7 May 2016


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Hello All!

A couple reports for the kedron brook over the past two days


I walked down to my local access point to the kedron brook for an arvo session - i brought down some bread and chicken breast i bought earlier that day.

I fished this certain pond hard and pulled out a 27.5cm Mullet (pb at the time), a 43cm tandan, and 3 big turles... also spotted a couple MONSTER and i mean MONSTER tilapia pushing the mid 40's just sitting under the surface staring at pieces of bread for litterley more than a minute to see if there was anything wrong then boofing it hard creating a slight wash-effect, awesome to watch but concerning for the stream, due to the sheer size of them.

The water is also very good of late: has a slight murky tinge, very slow flow, good depth, & the water temp is reasonably high too which = great fishing!


I walked down to the same spot as yesterday at the same time and same technique, but just used bread as bait no chook.

I fished it for a few hours and pulled a beast of a mullet going 30cm which gave me a fantastic fight - if you havent caught a bully mullet this is what is like:

You see the float bob around, then disappear, you lift the rod to set the hook, the fish comes out the water like a missile trying to shake the hook, IF it didn't rid the hook zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz goes the reel, then another jump, you make a few cranks of the handle, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz goes the reel again, you make a few more cranks agan, then once its near the bank, zzzz and a last jump, then a couples cranks of the reel and you have landed a underated sports fish.

I also got in that session a 20cm mullet too as well as the standard annoying turle which stuffs up your rig and cuffs your line dramatically. 

If your keen on fishing the Kedron-brook soon i would reccomend fishing the late afternoons from 2.30pm till sunset, before that its too sunny and after that its too dark for the fish to sight feed. As well as get out there asap becuase as soon as the water temp drops, the fish go into lock jaw till october. 

[27.5cm Mullet]

27.5cm Mullet (1).jpg


[30cm Mullet - My New PB!]

30cm Mullet (1).jpg


[43cm Tandan]

43cm Tandan (1).jpg



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