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Morning Session On The Bay...


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Well my mate @Drop Bear and I headed out early this morning. Game plan was to bag some shallow water squire them move onto the squid.

To be honest niether of these plans worked out! Despite no squire fun was had with 6 or 7 nice bream all coming in at over 30cm and Robs (Drop Bears) best being 38cm.


Check the blue lips on that horse.

After that we did try for squid. Not sure if the wind puts them off but I have never had luck on the on windy conditions. We tried for about an hour with not a follow so called it.



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Good consistent bream there Angus and Rob - well done! Yeah I've read the squid shut down when it is windy although not sure if wind direction matters - possibly on the sheltered side of say an island or rockwall would still be OK?  Out of interest what time did you hit the water?

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We were on the water at about 5.20am and bumped our way to the spot just as the first touch of pink hit the sky. Angus had a big hit before dawn, perhaps a large cod or snapper? Either way it straightened the hook. The bream came on after dawn and were out a bit from the rocks.

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1 hour ago, Drop Bear said:

Im hoping to stop one tonight at Green Island. Freah pike strip baits double gang true turn hooks no weight. I hope to post picks tomorrow :) fingers crossed 

Really keen to see how you go mate keep me posted :)

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19 hours ago, Angus said:

Really keen to see how you go mate keep me posted 

20 hours ago, Angus said:

Really keen to see how you go mate keep me posted :)

Was glassy and good. Water temp still very high. We started in a bit shallow ,5m, caught and released 3 good grassies. Headed out to 6m. Caught a black tip reef shark. Haven't caught one this far south before. Caught 6 squire all around 35 - 37cm. Released them all. I'm sure I had a good snapper on for a few seconds but didn't catch anything good to keep. The fresh pike heads were best bait. Caught one v small squid. A great night.

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