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Deep Water Bend 11/6/16 - New Pb


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Hi All

A report for my last fishing session - this time on the pine at DWB.

I left home at 8.00am to stop in at woollies to get a few mullet fillets then drive off to DWB in the hope for a pb bream. I got to DWB at about 8.30ish and walked out onto the boardwalk to be greeted by the whole park area to be completely empty... no joke!

Low tide was supposed to be at 9.20am, there was a 0knot wind, and water was full of debri still :(. I rigged up my ultra-light outfit consisting of a kato cobalt 6'6 1-3kg spin stick, Shakespeare tidewater 2000 spin reel, loaded with 4lb fluoro line, the rig of choice was just a sz2 big red hook (no weight, no leaders). I flicked it out 2m from the boardwalk the game of toads begun - no stop picking and picking destroying the mullet. And after the "fun" game I pulled a small bream out just on dead low which was too small to measure or even photo, and I took the hook out and threw it back. Then shortly after the small bream another small bream got caught just on 20cm at a pinch, and must say even that fish was fun on the really light gear... thought it was much bigger after using a 7'0 2-4kg rod with 8lb line for my bream'n.


I fished till 10am on the boardwalk and thought enough was enough and walked downstream to the mud banks hoping to see if the bream move onto the shallow flats as the tide rised.  When I got to the mud, I changed my rig to 4lb fluoro -> sz0 ball sinker -> sz12 brass swivel -> (1m) 6lb fluoro leader -> sz2 big red hook as I am fishing on a snagless bottom. A couple casts and a few more pickers I finally hooked something a bit better - which had a somewhat zig-zaggy fight, followed a last minute run, but I manged to land it and it was a PB flatty of 36cm, happy I was, I got a few happy snaps, and swam the fish as it got gut hooked.


I keep fishing and fishing till 11.30am and hooked another fish this time I had no idea what it was it was just a dead weight... My drag was set loose so I tightened it too get this lump of weed in I was thinking (VERY STUPID I WAS), when the "weed" was near the bank I shocked my selve to see a decent flathead (mid 50's), BUT I tighted my drag earlier and the normal flathead ditch run happened and as it took off.. snap goes the 4lb fluoro :bye: - I would think the people the fishing on the boardwalk would have heard my cries. After that I left with mixed feelings, wanting to get back into the fishing even quicker!

All up the catch was - x2 small bream, and a 36cm flathead. This time at DWB I didn't notice any herring or "bait" around the boardwalk so that may have lead to the small bream catch.

Deep Water Bend - i'll be back!

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