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Offshore Mooloolaba 12/1/17


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The plan was to hit some reefs off Mooloolaba early Thursday morning.  Forecast was variable 10knots with 1m seas.  Got to the ramp at 4am to find the forecast had changed to 10-15knots with 1m+ seas.  Decided to head out anyway.  Got past the rockwall and punched through 2 sets of 2m waves.  With our tails between our legs with returned back inside the river.  Fished for half an hour and decided to have another look.  It wasn't as bad so we headed to Old Women Island to get some cover.



It looks pretty calm in that photo, but there was a decent swell curling around the island and meeting on the eastern side.  We picked up one cod and with the wind dropping we decided to head out to inner gneerings.  Got there to find tuna busting up on the surface.  Had a few mackerel follow the lure to the boat but couldnt hook up.  Floated some pillies out the back and ended up with one Spanish Mack going 80cm.  The swell was getting to both of us so we headed for home riding some decent waves on the way back in. 


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