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Hinze Western Arm 19/1/17


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We had a good day at the western arm this morning. I was a bit dubious about going as the forecast had changed overnight and there was a fair bit of wind at home when I left at 4.am.
When we arrived at the ramp hardly any breeze so we headed straight to Ians island and boated around a dozen bass until the barred grunter moved in.
By this time the wind had got up so we went to bass bay for only the odd fish here and there. ( I did manage the only 3 tandans for the trip :-[)
We kept moving upstream until we found a school that  was sitting in among some heavy snags so we were kept busy re-rigging and pulling in good sized bass in the high 30s and low 40s.
Final score for the day was 40 odd bass and 3 tandans.
Jurgen and Cathrine happy to take a couple of bass home for the table and the resident sea eagle had a feed of a floater that did not survive the release after swallowing the hook..

I ended up doing around 12 rigs in the snags at the last spot.

Picked up about 1.5 kph with the new batterys on the bow mount. was touching 7.5kph on the way back to the ramp on full power.







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