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Had to dodge some housework today so I said that I had promised to go fishing ( Forgot to say I had promised myself 8) )

Too bloody hot to wash windows.
It was a nice relaxing day heading off at 4.30 for an early start to find myself only person at the western arm.
I had about 15 very small shrimp left over from last trip so I just ducked into the trees at the end of Ians island and was rewarded with a good show on the sounder and quickly used up the shrimp.
I then went and did the shrimp traps and returned to Ians island to find the fish still there and got stuck into them again.
 Tally for the day was 27 bass around  40cm and a couple around 35cm and 10 under 30cm.
Plus 12 tandans and 4 barred grunter which the eagle enjoyed. It was quite interesting watching the eagle maneuver in among the trees to pick up the bandies.
Also managed to drop my camera into the shrimp bucket .
I quickly pulled out the battery and card and put it in the sun . Seems to be working ok now just hope that it doesnt get corroded.
Wife did not think it funny when i told her how I had a bit of trouble at the ramp with the wind winching the boat by myself andit came out that I was not with anyone..

I will have to think up another excuse next time.



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