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Braid Vs Mono

mackay_ angler_

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The debate over weather braid is better than mono has been around as long as I can Remember and I think it all comes down to personal preference although they both have there pros and cons mono as the added shock absorption which in some cases can be really helpful and some argue braid is stronger. Me personally I'm a braid man but I also have a lot of issues with it although I prefer it over mono. 

I like how braid has no stretch wich makes hook sets better and it is easier to pull fish out of structure and it is lighter than mono giving it better casting distance and it floats wich I favour when using topwater. But one major thing I do not like about braid and this might just be me but I don't know. But it's the way especially on my baitcasters when I'm not paying attention from time to time and I get a really bad birds nest And  it is frustrating and almost impossible to unknot and seems like it defies physics. 

I'd love to ear others opinions on the topic and see if I'm the only one 

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Guest Kendaric
21 hours ago, mackay_ angler_ said:

But one major thing I do not like about braid and this might just be me but I don't know. But it's the way especially on my baitcasters when I'm not paying attention from time to time and I get a really bad birds nest

I use braid on my various baitcasters, but mono on pretty much everything else.  I wont use mono on baitcasters anymore, as I found mono to be far to springy, and using braid seemed to reduce my backlash to the point of being almost non existent.  

Even seasoned baitcast fisherman will get birds nests from time to time.  Yes sometimes they can be a doozy.  I also try and pick baitcasters where the sideplate is very easy to remove so I can get the spool out.  This makes life easy to fix these knots.

Going back 2 decades ago, when braids and fusions started to come to the fore, the basic rule of thumb was braid for baitcasters, and fusion for spinning reels (at least in the tackle shop where I worked).  I don't know if this still holds true anymore, probably not.

What I have heard around the traps of late is that the opposite could hold true.  I can't confirm it, but maybe fusion might be an alternative to help elevate some of the problem.  


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One of the things that causes most backlashes on baitcasters is winding loose line onto the reel from the previous cast. When I am trolling for bass and get a strike on one rod, play the fish, land it, then pick up the other rod, a certain amount of line is loose, so it pays not to wind it on without putting tension on it or you can bet your bottom dollar that next cast will result in a backlash. Another is when casting into the wind when the wind is strong, the lure slows down but the spool keeps turning, result backlash.


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