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The 3 Crips At NPD 3/8/17


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We thought that we were being smart organising a young bloke to be a decky for us this morning.
Only thing he must have gone on the ran- tan last night as we got a phone call at 5 to 6 saying sorry I just woke up.
 So myself with new shoulder, Rick with his new knee and Graham with his worn out back all said we are here and will manage.

We were relying on the decky to assist with the launch as one of the rollers on the trailer had disintegrated and the keel was sitting on the trailer chassis.so i just tied a longer painter on to the bow and jerk launched.We took a bit of water over the stern but not even enough for the bilge pump to pick up.
Took a while to do the shrimp traps but we managed thanks to Graham.
Graham was rewarded with a 50cm bass which put a smile on his face and eased his back pain.
We had a fun day with 46 bass boated with the majority being over 40cm which made all the pain and suffering worthwhile.

 I changed the faulty roller when we returned to the ramp so the trailer is all good for a return. trip on sunday.

DSCN1182 (640x480).jpg



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