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raby bay/ cleveland 12/11


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report from monday night

went fishing with jeryl at raby bay/cleveland area - started off at the jetty near hogs breath around 9:30pm - landed one small bream before it started to piss down with rain.

the rain was start stopping for about 30 mins, after about 30 mins we decided to try through the canals. went to an area that had produced before and not too long i was on to the first decent fish, 26.5cm bream.

after about 20min-30mins i was on again another nice bream coming in at 29cm, and that was followed by a 30.5cm bream. for a while it just died down, and as we were discussing options to get something to eat i had something pull quite suddenly..

landed what i thought was a small squire turned out to be a small morwong, there was also a small shark that was patroling around, not sure what type it was but was white and the tail looked kinda like the ones on a leopard shark was about 1mtr lenght.

after the small landing the small morwong, jeryl and i had a few missed hook ups from something pretty big, i had one strip at least 1/3 of the line on my reel before snapping the leader (10lb fluro) and after that it went dead again so off to maccas for a quick feed..

by the time we got back to the canals from cleveland maccas it was 4am ish and once again it was dead quiet.. heaps of pickers but nothing serious.ended up fishing until 6am with nothing to besides a few small bream, all in all wasnt a bad night but would have loved to have seen what busted me off.

forgot to take a pic of the morwong, but here are the 3 bream


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