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NPD 25/4/18


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We had a bit of a sleep in not launching till 5.40 am because it is still dark when we get to the shrimp pots at 6am. As usual plenty of small redclaw but we managed a reasonable supply of shrimp plus some mongrell small tilapia in the pots.

We tried a few spots on the way downstream where we only got a few forkies.

Plenty of small bass on the yellow float so we moved and found another school of littlies in the middle of the paddock when Dino went past and said there were plenty over near the far marker.

By the time we got there they had moved and we only got 2 littlies so we went back to the float where we topped up out tally to 50 bass and 2 yellas.

Rick and Hai having yella for dinner tonight.



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npd25.4.18 004 (640x480).jpg

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Stunning day. Glad you got a few too. I love seeing the pictures with glassy water in the background. 

I might have to get a permit for NPD and just tilly bust it up. 

Do you know if fresh water shrimp are susceptible to white spot disease? 

That thought scares me a lot. I wonder if there should be an awareness campaign about using store bought or wild caught prawns in fresh water? 

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The restrictions on fresh water shrimp movement are the same as the restrictions on prawns.

For example It is legal to take NPd shrimp to hinze but not not to moogerah as moogerah is outside the exclusion..

If you are taking live bait from one dam to another I always got through several water changes to ensure that I do not translocate any weed or small fish or mollusks and do not tip out the water from the live bait container into the dam.




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