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Kind word from a fellow fisher


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kevinchen19870316 wrote:


do u think more fish will be stocked in NPD in 08? if not i would not go there cuz i don't see i can catch anything there anymore

Kevin N.P fishes better in the winter months so I am led to beleive from a very good source who has fised the place from the get go.

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STU wrote:

kevinchen19870316 wrote:

do u think more fish will be stocked in NPD in 08? if not i would not go there cuz i don't see i can catch anything there anymore

Kevin N.P fishes better in the winter months so I am led to beleive from a very good source who has fised the place from the get go.

u r rite stu, only occasional bass can be caught now. and all the spots where u can find chinese takeaway boxes do not worth a single cast.:laugh:

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Bass are finished schooling, they will have moved upstream and back into the snags.

try fishing weedbanks and structure (not much of either in the fishing zones at North Pine though!)

I suspect the dam should have got a bot of flow, the catchment for it has had a couple of inches in the last two days.

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