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Fig Tree Pocket on Dusk


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Yesterday arvo my girlfriend asks to go fishing. Never, ever would I have expected that. So I grab some frozen prawns from the servo and head for the boat ramp. Noone there and the last ski boat was pulling out as we drove in.

There were a lot of ducks and baitfish jumping in the shallows. I threw out a prawn targeting bream and hopefully not too many catfish. Handed her the rod and gave her the basics. She has zero knowledge or experience with fishing. As I turn around theres a big splash, a shriek from her and all the ducks take off. In comes a 39cm salmon.

Beginners luck. She ended up catching three. Largest went 56cm. I got 2 baby catfish and a small shark that bit through the leader on the beach as I pulled it up.

All went quiet around 8pm so we headed home.

She's hooked now.

I only got a pic of the first salmon then the battery died in the camera.

Going to take the yak down to Raby Bay later and have a go at the canals.


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brisbane_boy wrote:

lol beginners luck when ever u take some one fishing who knows nothing about fishing they always get more or better fish.

oh well at least u got a fishing partner and she wont get angry if ur always fish :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



Do u think that would apply to gold lotto? Maybe I should bring a total noob who has never gambled in his life and get him to fill in the numbers for me eh? :silly:

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It didn't fight at all. The line was slack and as I wound it in, the big fella was sitting up against the bank of the ramp so he came straight up outta the water. Bit disappointing. The smaller one took a run for the mangroves, and my poor alveys drag is on its last legs so I thought I might lose him to a snag.

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