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Everything posted by samsteele115

  1. samsteele115


    Wow that's massive news in regards to Evinrude!
  2. samsteele115


    Try again sweetie, it's already a thing Found an inflatable boat last year with a mate and decked it out with leccy, solar panel on the front, ply floor and Bunnings umbrella. We got some looks (jealousy) cruising around the sandy straits
  3. Still have some tailor in the freezer from two weeks ago's good fishing. Since then I have been choosing the Spanish mackerel in the freezer over the tailor for obvious reasons. In a timely fashion, my neighbour gave me a fish smoker! Just had a go for lunch and it's quick and simple with delicious results.
  4. Also if solo, invest in a small pair of bolt cutters. Got some on my kayak. A set of hooks in an awkward place could not only end your trip early but also prevent you from controlling your vessel back to safety. At least you've got a better chance of unhooking yourself
  5. Lanyards on tiller steer are a must. It took one close call without lifejacket or lanyard to realise I was very close to being without boat or jacket. Next close call was trolling, hooked up, turned around and used my other hand to drop speed to idle and neutral. Turned tiller the wrong way (doh) being my opposite hand but was very easy to do in the fishing panic. Got knocked over after a couple of speedy circles at full speed and thanks to lanyard the motor was killed. Even at a gentle speed, wear it. Get used to wearing an inflatable all day too, it's easy. Check cheap block jacket straps, they get brittle and tear very easily with any sort of sun and water exposure. In an emergency, those straps need to be strong and are easy to rip brand new let alone damaged. Even better upgrade to quality ones and save some space whilst doing so. @AUS-BNE-FISHO definitely learn to get back on your own mate! You won't be able to flip it on your own but maybe it would be worth a practice run?
  6. Had 4 of the white FJs back in the day! Fantastic sturdy reels, had to upgrade to carbon washers and they did the job very well after that. Much heavier compared to the new one I bought recently, but didn't have much time with it to compare before losing it off the kayak.
  7. Man, super durable combo too. Heard good things, great purchase. Might have to do the same when my fancy shimanos kark it from too much salt water on the kayak. Sam
  8. Hey mate, do you have specific weedy or rocky patches in mind? Not the beach surf obviously? In which case you won't need 9 foot, good egi rods are around 7 foot with a fast action butt and mid section, with a soft tip. You'll lose too much feel and jig action on a 9 foot. Although not egi specific, I find most 2-4kg ~7' rods I've used to be good for the job. Soft tip absorption so you dont rip the jig through their candles, but enough butt strength to easily control them in. 2500 reel with 10lb would be ideal. Remember to run an ultra light drag. Cheers, Sam
  9. Bream, jacks and flatties aren't too uncommon in brackish or even fresh! Not from personal experience, but have seen on the youtubes
  10. Yes!! So glad I handed them over to someone who can catch a fish in them, they weren't catching much in my wardrobe Very successful colour that, and if you get adventurous the 3.5 inch curl tails and 3 or 4 inch paddle tails I've had even more success on. I think sometimes larger flatties might get lazy with the smaller offerings, but every now and again you might drag a grub over its nose and you're on. Great flatty!!
  11. Don't take an open boat with no shelter or mozzie protection and expect to get some sleep on it without double checking the rain forecast
  12. That's fair enough! Can't do it all at once, so much to see on the east. The Hervey bay flats are a special shallow water fishery... Just about the time of year the juvenile black marlin cruise along (October- January), and have seen longtail and trevally do the same! Incredibly unique. In terms of having a landbased fish next time on the western side I'm pretty sure the bread and butter species are a regular catch there also.
  13. Beautiful place isn't it. Shame about the lack of fish but that happens been quiet on straddie all week too. Did you check out the western side? Would be tempting to get away from the ocean side crowds
  14. Robbies group of mackerel haven't had their tetanus shot yet, so they stay away from rusty hooks
  15. All of this stuff I find confusing too. Good on you for posting for help, now you know Learning new knots and rigs is really difficult for some people (me) to get their head around and takes time and patience. We are all wired differently!
  16. Staying open minded catches fish! Being programmed in to going to a certain spot at a certain time doesn't always produce. And how many times have we got to that spot and caught nothing and wondered what would have happened if we stopped at those ripples on the surface or a couple of fluttering birds along the way... @Luvit is expert at this! Learnt lots from his approach
  17. Absolute cracker mate and you're right it's amazing how we can catch fish in unusual circumstances... and other times when you think it should be good fishing it's I've never done well on the snapper but the one 70+ I did get was when I was doing a wee and not even touching the rod (the fishing one) after fishing hard all morning for nothing.
  18. Sounds like you need a heavier combo for up there man.. barra and jacks? Sure you might land the occasional bigger fish but as soon as structure comes into play you're much less of a chance. Those combos seem a little limiting to smaller species; which is great! But you kinda have 3 setups for the same style of fishing... and so to answer your question I think it seems like you've already got the leader required for your new combo that you use for your other ones. 4000 reel, 20lb braid, 4-8kg-ish rod, 20-40lb leader would open up a whole new world of new PB's and species a much more versatile size imo Edit: great purchase btw, some nice quality gear and must haves! I mean my suggestion in addition to what you already have, or replacing your least used one with something a bit heavier
  19. Hey mate, unlikely to find any decent numbers of tuna in the bay this time of year. Always worth a look at the beacons. I'd be stopping at the M3 and M4 and M8 beacons on the way to mud from Bribie and any others you fancy as a detour. I used to like drifting around mud throwing plastics in about 5m of water targeting snapper but often picking up tasty by catch
  20. They swim amazing in the water when rigged well. Helpful, I know
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