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Everything posted by AUS-BNE-FISHO

  1. Thanks for the good report Benno, Cheers Hamish
  2. Rice, that looks like a River Perch. They get to about 35cm maximum, so anything you've encountered larger than that is likely a jewfish. You can eat the perch (no size limit) and they supposedly taste OK, and they make decent livies or strip baits too. Normally they have a slightly more snubbed nose than that, and they range from dark gold to silver. The perch are common all throughout the salty parts of the river. Jewies tend to be a bit larger and they would fight a fair bit harder than a perch. They like live baits and need to be 75cm to keep, and are good eating too. Cheers Hamish P.S. Nice bream!
  3. There are covers for your reels that you can purchase to use when transporting or storing your reels. I don't know what you would do to clean them from usage but they should stop some of the spray damage. https://www.anacondastores.com/fishing/fishing-reels/reel-accessories/shimano-spin-reel-cover-black-green/90170936?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-pCVBhCFARIsAGMxhAcTZEtBudfPSOXNUP-ZscHwWOBjnnaWgueejXuM43oXZh2Il2atkVQaAqG7EALw_wcB
  4. Hi Thorbjorn Catching fish, in particular flathead and bream, as a 'novice' lure angler, has proven to be easier for me in systems with more sandbars, shallower water, and slightly clearer water (ie Noosa River). In saying this, if you would like to fish the Brissy River with lures you are probably best off slow rolling small hardbodies and plastics around rock walls, banks, and structure for bream and cod. This can be done with light leaders and lures like Jackall Chubbies (or knockoffs) and Zman Grubs. Have you been having much success with Threadfin or Jew?
  5. Some nice bass there Ray.
  6. I am excited to become a ‘Grand Master’. Lol. Kat, if you go to your profile and scroll down a bit you will find it. Seemingly there is a bunch of ranks and some badges to be early.
  7. Great job @ellicat, that's a awesome snapper!!! And nice work Allnighter too! Cheers Hamish
  8. I definitely should get one. Seems fun to do just in general.
  9. Thanks Brian. No worries Charlie glad you had a good time. Cheers Hamish
  10. Good luck @Drop Bear, I hope your trip is great. Yeppoon is always an option to stop for a night on the way up or back. Flicking plastics around any of the creeks/harbour/causeway lake may get you something.
  11. Yes, for sure. Hopefully I can get something better in my holidays after exams. Thats a good idea - maybe a new kayak for him!
  12. Hi Hweebe I do record my trip data. I have a few preferred tides and moon phases for certain locations but I’ve found when soaking livies in the river time always helps. I can’t say I have found one pattern where fish bite, though. Luckily not! He was certainly a bit reluctant to go swimming lol. I found the rod 152 sessions ago in the Upper Brisbane River so I guess it was just returned to its home. Cheers Hamish
  13. Hi all Seeing as though I hadn't been fishing in yonks (school ) I decided to head out to a new spot on the Brisbane River, with @TheCharliefisho. We got to the spot at the late hour of 7am though it was still quite chilly. Hopes were high when a few throws of the cast net brought some mullet, herring, and bony bream, and baits were deployed. About 15 minutes into the session, my overhead starting clicking. I let Charlie have the rod, but the hook was set slightly to early allowing the fish (bites weren't conclusive but could've been a soapie, not vermin as no slime) to have the hooks pulled from it's mouth. Just after this, my Sedona (birthday present from back at May 10) had a small bite and I skull dragged in a catfish on a herring. Ugh. My Dad also got stung by a scat which apparently started hurting a lot after about 15 minutes. My Dad left soon after getting a few more varied baitfish in the net. It was pretty chilly, but I continued netting to get some more mullet, glassies, ponyfish, silver biddies, and bony bream. Surprisingly, prawns and herring were absent from the fishing session - probably due to the dirty water. After a couple of tangles I casted my overhead out to the side of the jetty. It didn't take long before this screamed off, had nibbles, and continued without hookup. I only had a 3/o suicide hook so this did seem odd. After rebaiting five times the overhead had a very fast run but still didn't hook up. The bites on the livies looked like bream so maybe it was just pickers. Charlie also had a fish spit the hooks when he was hooked up on a plastic (short hookup), which was surprising in the filthy water. Time went by, but the fish weren't chewing. We rebaited many times with live mullet, bony bream, and silver biddies, but nothing seemed to be happening. We altered our casting distances to try and find the fish, or any drop offs/snags. From about 10-40m out there was nothing, and we still hadn't caught anything good. At about ten in the morning, Charlie decided to rig up one of my lines (Abu Garcia Veritas 3-5KG and Diawa Shinobi 2500) for bream with bait. It didn't take long before he was on to a little but fat 28CM model, which took a couple of runs on loose drag. Bream A large live mullet which had been deployed was made into a strip bait - and it didn't take long for this to go off. I fought the fish for a couple of minutes on my heaviest setup, but I was disappointed to see a average sized catfish. Charlie continued fishing for bream and flicking a plastic, but failed to hook anything more. While Charlie was walking away fishing with his plastic, I lost a decent bream because the drag was too loose (didn't realise). Eventually, Charlie came back and set the rod on the jetty, with a winter whiting. This got a couple of nibbles but no hook up at first. Then, it was redeployed. I did some cast netting, but Charlie and I both turned around to see my rod in the water! Obviously, the drag wasn't set loosely or there had been a tangle in the line causing the (probably little) bream to be able to take my line into the water. I started winding my other lines in as quickly as possible - one had a catfish on a stick on it, and the other came in no worries. We tried everything, and after dragging the bottom of the river with big sinkers, poking the bottom with sticks, using a coat hanger as a grapple hook, and a neighbours pool net, my Dad was at the jetty to pick us up. He decided to go for a swim, and despite feeling the bottom for 20 minutes my rod was no where to be seen. We left after that and got a Traveller Pie on the way home. Here are the stats of the trip for anyone interested: Stats of Trip: Tide: 8:00AM, .9M, Low, 1:15PM, 1.7M, High Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent Bait Caught: Glassies, Ponyfish, Scat, Mullet, Silver Biddies, Bony Bream, Winter Whiting, Jelly Prawns Bait Used: Livies ^^^ Fish Caught: Catfish x 3, Bream x 1 Tackle Used: 10, 20, 30 pound braid mainlines. 10, 30, 50 pound fluoro leaders. Size 3/0-6/o circle, baitholder and suicide hooks. Size 4 star sinkers and large barrel swivels. Abu Garcia Barra King on Ugly Stik, Shimano Baitrunner on Shimano Silver Tip Rod, Shimano Sedona on Abu Garcia Nexus, Abu Garcia Veritas and Diawa Shinobi (RIP). Air Pressure: 1008-1011 Humidity: 60-75% Overall Success Rate: 5% - An already crappy fishing trip became expensive too! I hope you enjoyed reading, Cheers Hamish
  14. Sounds like you have some good suggestions already @Messyfish. Maybe try switching up your bait, or even fishing lures to see if that has any different effect. Cheers Hamish
  15. Nice one. There is a product called a ‘stink finger’ which aims to get rid of the issue you had - https://www.stinkfinger.com.au/ Cheers Hamish
  16. They're primarily meant for surf or rock fishing, where it is more possible your reel will become wet or sandy. You would not normally fish for something such as a threadfin with an Alvey. Some of them have drag systems which make them suitable for targeting large fish. They also hold large line capacities which is suitable for using mono and casting far (which you do in the surf).
  17. Nice one Ray, those are some solid bass. Cheers Hamish
  18. I know people who find Jarvis Walker braid fine for LBG fishing and stuff like that, so I can't see why that would be much different.
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