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First Bris Vegas Threadie


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[img size=374]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSCF3102_AFO.jpg Put the boat in with # 2 son at fishermans island ramp about 2 hrs before top tide and headed for the poo pipe to see whether the hours in the backyard practicing with the cast net would pay off. The casts were ok but not real fruitful but landed 2 bony bream all the same and a few sprat. Headed back to the drop off and anchored up. Would have been there for about an hour 4 monster catties a 2 snubby nosed perch. There was a boat mapping the river bed parrallel to the pipe line and one of the guys told us their sounder was showing a heap of better fish about 200m towards the mouth virtually opposit the berth (the building on the pipeline, thets were we went anyway)

Would have been there 10 minutes and Nats rod buckled over and the drag screamed..and screamed... and screamed and just kept going. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

After about 3 big runs, I grabbed the rod just to check the drag was ok (it was). After about another 5 minutes the straight runs became circling runs around the boat (Over the anchor rope twice thank christ) albeit with less power. Its had a couple of little runs left before it gave up the fight we land it. It was knackered.

It weighted 7.5Kg & measured 115cm.

Landed it on 6kg platypus orange lo stretch that came as a freeby with 9/07 issue of fishing world magazine. With the okuma?? reel that comes with renewing the subscription. 4/0 long shank hook right in the corner of the mouth.

We cut the trip short though esky too small.. I know what santas getting me for Xmas this year. plus a bigger filleting knife:)

[img size=150]

PS Thanks Shaun L for the heads up:cheer:




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rexy wrote:

ok be a brusier then good stuff very jealous what bait ??

Mate I had the Livies.. nothing but catties. The young fella had the stinky only prawns.. legs going black.. he gets the trophy.. not taking him again.. what happpen to the rule that you never out fished the skipper...bloody Y-Generation

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That is bloody Awesome!!!!:woohoo:

Well done mate, You'd be as proud as punch with the young fellah.

What I am most impressed with is you "SHARED" the spot that you caught it. Massive respect too you for that. It's good to see someone giveing to the site, instead of just take take take.

I'll send you my email address in a PM shortly, If you like email me the pic and I'll post it for you:huh:

Again great fish and great work shareing!:woohoo:


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chubbstar wrote:

That is bloody Awesome!!!!:woohoo:

Well done mate, You'd be as proud as punch with the young fellah.

What I am most impressed with is you "SHARED" the spot that you caught it. Massive respect too you for that. It's good to see someone giveing to the site, instead of just take take take.

I'll send you my email address in a PM shortly, If you like email me the pic and I'll post it for you:huh:

Again great fish and great work shareing!:woohoo:


Thanks Jayson

Mate I reckon these forums are only as good as what put in ... the reason i joined was because of the quality of the info shared.

A little Asian client of mine said to me years ago. "Be prepare to give what you're prepared to receive" ;)

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Hey there Smiderman,

Congratulations on your first Brissie River Threadfin.

It must have been a great feeling to land the fish.

I'm glad the info I gave you assisted in catching your first threadie. It is a fantastic achievement and it's just another part of fishing the river.

Now that you have the understanding of how to catch these fish, please be conservative in how often you target them, as the release of the larger ones is nearly always unsuccessful.

Well Done again mate!



Ps. happy to share with others how to get these little critters. Just PM me.

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